Imagine being able to regulate your nervous system, so you could deal with whatever life throws at you,
​ without guilt, shame, regret or self criticism

What would life be like if you could:

  • ​Let go of perfectionism, with more energy available for family time, instead of wasting hours overthinking
  • See yourself as worthy, so you went for the job promotion, took the dance class or dated again
  • Stop beating yourself up for past mistakes and started celebrating all your accomplishments & gifts

This 7 part programme shows you how to develop a practice of self compassion,
so you can
silence the inner critic & stop feeding the anxiety.

If you're:

Constantly exhausted & chasing your tail, because you're always putting others first, whilst leaving your needs on the back burner.

Struggling in relationships, because your partner doesn't get what it's like to constantly question yourself and your kids trigger overwhelming self doubt. 

Consumed by work, because you never feel like you've done enough.
And if you're not productive you're not valuable.

​Then I get it, you're not alone. And I promise it doesn't have to be that way!

Growing Self Compassion is a series of simple practices -

Showing you how to stop reacting from a place of self doubt & comparison.

​And reminding you; you're not too sensitive, emotional, needy or weak!

You CAN bounce back from challenges, stop questioning every decision you make & feel in control of your life.

You want to live life on your terms, with contentment in your days, not wondering if everything you do is good enough.

You're done with "living for the weekend" and only being able to relax when you've been "productive". You want to enjoy each & every day with your family.

Life's too short to stay stuck, feeling terrified of failure..

You occasionally get a boost of motivation and think;

  • No more working all hours just to try and prove your worth
  • No more wasting time, wishing your dream life will come true & manifest itself
  • No more worrying about what others think

You feel inspired, so get to work...But -

  • Your to-do list is huge & keeps growing, leaving you pulled in all directions 
  • You're trying to juggle everything, pushing on through and 'getting on with it.'
  • You keep starting yoga classes, meditation & diets to feel better about yourself, but you lack the willpower to stick things out

Irritability and frustration are setting in

You're thinking "What am I missing here? Other people live their lives, effortlessly and stress free. Why can't I have an easy life like that?"

Your News Feed is Full of Everyone Else's Wins:

  • Lindsey just got married to her childhood sweetheart & they're in complete bliss
  • Sarah just had an amazing job offer and is now working a 3 day week in the tropics
  • Nicola looks younger now than she did 10 years ago

You feel like you must be different in some way; like you don't deserve happiness.

Here's the issue:

  • You don't have the time freedom others have, you're already working crazy hours and juggling everyone's demands.
  • ​You know you need to change, but you don't know where to start. You've got so used to just getting on with it, that you've forgotten who you are beneath it all.
  • You don't have the financial security to just go on retreats and drop everything for hot yoga. You don't have spare cash for luxuries or whimsical ideas.
  • You feel under pressure to get things right and not keep trying the latest trends, only to fall flat on your face. Things are 'ok' as they are, they just aren't what you'd hoped or imagined for.
  • You don't have the support around you to remind you of your worth when those difficult days hit. There's lots of well meaning friends & family, but they never seem to say the right thing so you're left feeling even more hopeless and alone.

It's time to ditch the unrealistic expectations you put on yourself with the anxiety that comes with it, so that you can live a life of freedom & confidence.

We've all been there! I certainly have...

I remember struggling to get on top of all the things I needed to do and how anxious I felt constantly. I was stuck and it was exhausting!

I'd reached one of those "make or break" situations and made a commitment to really figure this out once and for all. I couldn't keep hating on myself forever, or I wouldn't be around forever. A few weeks later, I had friends coming to me, asking how I'd done it.

They could see the change in me. I was calmer, happier and glowing.

I wanted other women to have the same. This is why I've created this offer, to give you a huge shortcut and get you past all of the frustration. I want to make growing more self compassion easy for you.

I know that if I can do it, anyone can. Inside this course, I'm sharing everything I do, day in day out to maintain a stronger mindset, regardless of what life throws at me.

I show you the strategies I use and how simple they can be to integrate into your life and relationships to live with ease and flow, not struggle.

I've seen hundreds of strong, independent women achieve a life they're excited about - where they feel in the drivers seat at last! I know you can have that too.

How would your life and relationships be different if you:

Didn't have to push yourself to breaking point & could wake up energised ready for the day?

Could switch off easily and sleep without any 3am panics dreading the unknown?

Knew what you wanted your life to look like and could take small steps towards it each & every day?

You CAN start to create that life & fulfilling relationships with...

Growing Self Compassion shows you how to develop more resilience; giving you the freedom to feel like yourself again.

Here's what's included ...

By the end of this module you'll understand why self compassion is at the root of true connection with others & why its lacking in our culture.

By the end of this module you'll be able to take charge of your health in a completely unique way, with less stress in less time.

By the end of this module you'll know why boundaries are vital for your emotional wellbeing & how to clear residual negativity in your body.

By the end of this module you'll understand how to listen to your inner critic, so you can make choices from a place of empowerment not fear.

By the end of this module you'll know how to become the leader of your life, so you no longer feel stuck in past hurts and can build consciously healthy relationships.

By the end of this module you'll have the confidence to embrace opportunity & a road map you can use to create the life you desire.

Plus added bonuses:


Thought Activating Audio
(Value $47)


Body Love Practice
(Value $67)


Inner Critic Practice
(Value $67)


Thought Activating Audio
(Value $47)


Forgiveness Practice
(Value $67)


2 NLP Coaching Exercises
(Value $150)


Thought Activating Audio
(Value $47)


Self Love Practice
(Value $67)


Self Care Practice
(Value $67)

This course is ideal for you tick any of these boxes:

  • Doubting yourself constantly and wondering if you'll ever get a grip on life
  • Zero motivation to do anything, including the things you used to enjoy
  • No time for yourself, but endless to do lists for other people
  • ​Waking up in the night in a panic, unable to switch back off, yet exhausted
  • ​Running on empty, but scared to stop and feel unproductive or worthless

Imagine reducing the time you spend worrying about how to negotiate the rollercoaster of life and increasing the time you feel in control of your happiness instead!

Once you've gone through this course you'll know:

How to keep yourself going when life gets on top of you; by determining what self care looks like to you, and how you can integrate it into your daily routine with ease.

How you want your ideal life to look and the reality of where you are now - ignoring what your inner critic wants you to believe and finding your inner warrior and spark.

How to move towards the life you want with more confidence and clarity. With steps in place to get you there in your own unique way and on your own terms.

Here's What You Get:

  • Full Access to Growing Self Compassion 5 Module Mini Course (Valued at $347)
  • ​BONUS #1: Future Self Bridge Audio (Valued at $47)
  • ​BONUS #2: Inner Child Body Love Audio (Valued at $47)
  • ​BONUS #3: Living Your Ideal Life Audio (Valued at $47)
  • ​BONUS #4: Body-love Workbook (Valued at $67)
  • ​BONUS #5: Forgiveness Workbook (Valued at $67)
  • ​BONUS #6: Self-love Workbook (Valued at $67)
  • ​2 x Coaching exercises (Valued at $150)
  • ​Discount off one to one sessions (Valued at $100)

Total Value = $939

Retails At = $497

Get ALL of This For Just:


NOW is the time to find your Inner Warrior & Strength

Are you ready for self esteem to grow and your life to be an adventure again?

Here's Another Reminder of What You Get for JUST $37!:

  • Full Access to Growing Self Compassion 5 Module Mini Course (Valued at $347)
  • ​BONUS #1: Future Self Bridge Audio (Valued at $47)
  • ​BONUS #2: Inner Child Body Love Audio (Valued at $47)
  • ​BONUS #3: Living Your Ideal Life Audio (Valued at $47)
  • ​BONUS #4: Body-love Workbook (Valued at $67)
  • ​BONUS #5: Forgiveness Workbook (Valued at $67)
  • ​BONUS #6: Self-love Workbook (Valued at $67)
  • ​2 x Coaching exercises (Valued at $150)
  • ​Discount off one to one sessions (Valued at $100)

Total Value = $939

Retails At = $497

Get ALL of This For Just:


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Here's what happens next:

  • You fill out the billing info and click the "Growing Self Compassion Course" button
  • ​Add on the "Journal Prompts" bundle (details below) for additional daily insight and inspiration.
  • You'll be sent an email with log-ins to the members area to access to all of the modules & bonuses immediately

The Emotional Growth Guarantee

You can do this! I believe in you, it's time for you to believe in yourself too!

I want to make this so easy for you. With Growing Self Compassion, you will gain self acceptance & reduce self criticism.

If after 14 days, you've implemented all of the tools and you don't have more understanding of your emotions, just hand in your workbooks and feedback responses and we'll book a call to see what's holding you back.

Add Journal Your Way Back To Life to Your order for just $5.90 at the checkout

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is included in this course?

You'll have access to Growing Self Compassion plus the bonus materials inside.

You will find 8 video workshops, with 2 action creating coaching exercises; as well as guides and workbooks throughout the modules. The course is designed to not only help you reflect on where you are now and where you want to be, but also to begin to take action in the right direction for you.

Can I access everything at once?

Yes! All of the content is inside of the members area, you'll get instant access once you check out.

Who is Growing Self Compassion meant for?

This course is designed for anyone who is tired of the constant pressure to do and be more in order to feel like they have worth. If you feel like nothing you do is ever enough, then this is perfect for you.

How is this different from any other courses out there?

I practice what I preach. I have overcome crippling anxiety & depression and know what works or doesn't. These are the exact strategies I teach to my high level clients.

It's a simple and easy to follow, action-based course to get you from overwhelm to thriving TODAY. The guides are there to fast track your success.

When can I access the bonuses?

You get access to the bonuses straight away, they are inside the members area.

What's your refund policy & is there a guarantee?

Due to the nature of this being a digital product, we don't offer returns, however ... don't worry, I know too well what it's like to buy a course that doesn't deliver as promised, which is why I offer a 14 day guarantee to eliminate any risk for you.

If after 14 days, you've implemented all of the exercises and aren't seeing any results, just hand in your completed workbooks and we'll book a call to see what's holding you back.

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