...so you have the energy to deal with whatever life throws at you, without stress & overwhelm
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Hi, I'm Susanne, a Holistic Therapist, Empowerment Coach & Author, who's passionate about helping mums tap
into their strength.
As a solo Mum I know the challenges that come with being responsible for another human. Some days feel like an endless battle of negotiating, begging your child to do the simplest tasks like tidy their toys away or tackle their maths homework, which inevitably ends with you yelling or a full blown tantrum.
Neither of which is fun!
I've been there! The smallest things would set me off...Empty milk cartons, constant questions "why", bedtimes sat in their room waiting 'til they fell asleep, then doing my best ninja attempt to leave the room without them waking up. I’d snap & shout before I could stop myself...
And the look of confusion or fear on their faces overwhelmed me with guilt me every time.
Every morning I'd wake up thinking I'd do better and stay calm today...but every day was the same! This wasn't the parent I wanted to be! These were the children I never thought I'd be able to have, and here I was frustrated, irritated and overwhelmed.
Something had to change!
Deep breathing & parenting tips weren't going to cut it. I knew my nervous system was on high alert and I needed a tool to soothe it, that wasn't going to take hours out of my day! Which is when I used everything I'd learned through my hypnotherapy and coaching training to create the Anxiety Balm.
This is specifically for Mothers who are SERIOUS about shifting their stress or anxiety levels, but don't know where to start.
This is for the busy people pleasers who never feel like they catch a break.
The audio works to soothe your nervous system, so you can tackle life from a place of action rather than reaction:
✅ STOP spending hours doom scrolling on social media, because you can't switch off
✅ Get creative with your time and start planning family adventures that feed your soul
✅ STOP creating guilt trips for yourself because you're constantly irritated with low level stress eating away at you and causing you to lose your rag at the slightest things