There’s got to be more to life than struggling to communicate in relationships, needing a glass of wine each night to switch off and trying to get comfort from a handful of crisps right?
There is.
Actually, a life of speaking out when you’re unappreciated, knowing you can diffuse anger rising when the MIL passes comment and underwear dancing in the kitchen (without belly hating) is easier than you think.
If you want to break down life’s challenges and take action, I’ve got you!
My structured programmes show you practices that build solid foundations for growth and resilience.
I want to introduce my 6 Phase Process for Managing Anxiety with a Highly Sensitive Nervous System
Why 6 phases?
Because when your nervous system’s been in high alert most of your life, overwhelm hangs around like a car phone salesman waiting to pounce.
So, things need to be broken down into bite-size pieces, to prevent you signing up to a lifetime contract of self-doubt, exhaustion & poor signal.
I developed the 6 phases, from my lived experience, as well as clients I’ve worked with the last two decades.
I know how the cycle of anxiety comes up again & again and wanted a process you could apply throughout your life, whatever the challenges.
Examine the problem –
First you need to understand what’s REALLY going on.
Surface level:
But below the surface; there’s a whole spaghetti junction of reasons you feel stuck on a treadmill, simply existing.
So primarily…I create the welcoming space, to unravel the spaghetti, so you know what you’re working with.
Visualise possible answers –
You know YOU better than anyone, so the answers are already there.
But, endless to-do lists, constant notifications & time pressures, keep you locked inside the stress box.
The next phase is helping you peel away the layers of logic and practicality & making the box transparent.
You’ll be surprised how much choice is imaginable, when you approach things from a place of inspiration and creativity instead of dread.
Overcome objections –
There’s reasons you stay in limbo, even when it leaves you irritable, restless & wide eyed at 3am.
Whether it’s fear of the unknown or feeling lost and unsure where to start…
It’s often easier to “get on with it” & stop wishful thinking, than justifying the career change, the silent retreat or the bulk order of cacao to your long standing friends.
I get it.
But quite frankly noone else is paying your mortgage, so at some point it’s OK to carve your own path, regardless of others opinions.
The third phase is uncovering these obstacles in your way, so you can slalem right through them.
Learn new strategies –
If you had the tools to deal with self destructive patterns & stop feeling taken for granted or invisible, you’d probably use them, right?
Then, let me show you a selection box of tools… (minus the coffee & orange creams!)
I’ll teach you how to tap into the confidence that fires up your voice, so you can express exactly what you need, without guilt – as well as how to create strong boundaries, so your energy’s spent on the things you truly love.
This isn’t 3 hour sweat lodges, 60 day gratitude journaling & uprooting to India. This is about finding practices that work for YOU and YOUR life.
Sometimes it’s 5 minutes at the traffic lights or creating your own sanctuary in your lounge; other times it’s dancing in the rain.
View life differently –
Wish you could see things from a different perspective, have more willpower or let go of old beliefs?
It’s actually easier than you think. In fact, part of the solution is stopping thinking and trusting instead…
Trusting you have everything you need to deal with whatever curve balls life throws at you.
Trusting you can reach out for help when you need it.
And trusting you can make mistakes without reliving every detail in regret.
Embody action –
The last phase is embodying action – which is actually the beginning.
This is where you START living and putting theory into practice.
If you want to shift your outlook long term, then you need to integrate what you’ve learned, into your daily life.
All the planning and analysing in the world won’t get your feet moving forward…
It takes motivation and consistency, but I know your resilience is what’s got you this far, and that’s exactly what we’re going to use to keep driving you forward.
I’ve tried everything, but still end up repeating the same old patterns.
It’s not your fault things haven’t worked before. You haven’t been given the right environment to thrive. There’s been lots of empty promises, telling you there’s a secret formula, only to leave you back at square one feeling hopeless.
My programmes are designed to create individual action plans tailored to your needs. You choose which modules feel relevant to you, depending where you are in your life. This ensures changes are realistic & sustainable long term specific to you.
This isn’t a quick fix option, you’re changing habits of a lifetime, but if you’re ready to do the work, then the only outcome can be success.
I’ve spent so long doing what everyone else wants, I don’t know what I want instead.
I get it. You’ve been the hard-working multi tasker for years. You’ve kept the peace and just got on with it. So now you don’t even know what would make you happy right? The truth is no-one really has it all sorted and it’s absolutely fine if you don’t know yet.
Deep dive consultations help us gain clarity around what’s possible, even if you’ve never experienced it before.
Using targetted practices to help you tune into what feels right for you and what doesn’t. You may not know what you want your life to look like as a clear image, but you know how you want to feel. That’s what we tap into.
I’m already bogged down with a million and one things to do.
If you’ve put yourself on hold for decades, then you’re already at the bottom of your priority list. So time feels very precious and limited, right? I feel you.
My programmes are about creating quick, easy tools to implement there and then, having impact you will notice immediately.
How much time it will take will depend on how much change you want to make and which areas you are happy to continue living with. Some of my programmes are self led, with ongoing support, that are flexible to you and your circumstances.
This is the way I’ve always been and I just need to get on with it.
There’s got to be other options than jobs you hate and unsupportive partners. If you’re at rock bottom there’s only two choices. Give up, or give yourself a chance.
Nobody’s a lost cause. It’s no failing in you that’s kept you stuck. Sometimes you just need to be able to look at things differently and see things from another perspective.
You need the space, with non-judgemental eyes and reassuring ears, that can remind you of your strengths, not your flaws.
Let me be yours.
I don’t have the spare cash to throw away at things that don’t work.
Every penny counts, especially these days, yeah? Of course! That’s why I have different levels of support and payment plans available, giving you guidance you don’t need to max out your credit card for.
Your happiness is priceless and you deserve an amazing life. I don’t want you wasting any more money on temporary solutions that numb or distract from the problem. I want you to spend time looking at what your life could be like and gaining the confidence to rebuild.
If you believe you’re worth investing in, then you’ll be surprised how much value you gain.
Sessions start from as little as £50 when block booked.
Therapies: Aromatherapy, Body Massage, Crystal Therapy, Empowerment Coaching, Indian Head Massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Pregnancy Massage, Pregnancy Reflexology, Reflexology, Reiki & Seichem, Remedial Sports Massage, NLP, EFT, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, Immersive Therapies, Anxiety & Stress Management, Menopause Awareness, Corporate Wellness, Life Purpose Coaching, EMDR
Covering: Prenton, Moreton, Upton, Oxton, Heswall, Greasby, Pensby, Frankby, Irby, Bromborough, Bebington, Eastham, Claughton, Bidston, West Kirby, Thurstaston, Spital, Birkenhead, Wallasey, New Brighton, Liscard, Liverpool, Merseyside, Chester, Burton, Neston, Thingwall, Willaston, Wirral, West Cheshire, East Cheshire, Wales